Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors

A progress update on the Wellbeing Garden. Last week we purchased compost and plants, including tactile grasses, colourful flowering plants and scented herbs. The Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors planted everything up this lunchtime. The rainbow ribbon feature is starting to take shape along the back fence. A water feature and bench are planned too. It’s going to be a lovely area to sit and relax in.
The Mental Wellbeing Room - a room that provides a calm and quiet area for children to use at lunchtimes - staffed by the Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Pictured are the Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors at the location of the soon to be planted Wellbeing Garden. We were discussing our plans with our volunteer gardener Gill, who gave us lots of helpful suggestions to bear in mind before our trip to Coombe Garden Centre next week to purchase the plants.
Pictured are the Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors holding first prize for their Children's Christmas Hamper to raise money for a Wellbeing Sensory Garden that they are going to create at school. Most of the goodies in the six hampers available as prizes were very generously and kindly donated by Honiton's Aldi store.
Tickets will be on sale at the PTFA Christmas Fayre (Saturday 10th December) and after school on Tuesday and Thursday next week. 
Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors are chosen and trained during the summer term of Year 5 ready for when they are in Year 6. Mental wellbeing ambassadors are volunteer pupils who are trained in how to listen and help their peers if they are sad, worried or anxious. They are also involved in helping with the Mental Wellbeing Weeks which are held once a term during the academic year and raising the profile of mental wellbeing in the school and the wider community.